

Exercise After Weight Loss Surgery

As with any weight loss program, a patient who has undergone bariatric surgery will need to exercise in order to get the best results. However, bariatric surgery is major surgery, so you will have to be cautious about the type of exercise you choose. For example, resistance exercise of any type is forbidden for the first few weeks after surgery, for you need that time to heal. Walking Walking will be the...


The Role of Nutrition in Weight Gain

Many people are concerned with the impact of the food they consume to their weights. It is no secret that one's weight is directly influenced by the number of calories they consume. It can be easily deduced that when someone consumes more calories than the amount used by the body, the weight will go up. The reverse happens when one consumes fewer calories. Dietary Fat Diets with low-fat components have long been...


An Understanding of BMI

BMI (body mass index) is one of those terms most people have heard of at one point or another. Yet it may not be something you fully understand in terms of what it can indicate about your health. In a nutshell, BMI is a mathematical calculation of how much body fat you have based on a calculation that includes your height and weight. Here's what you need to know about...


Buying Clothes After Weight Loss Surgery

One of the most appreciated benefits of weight loss surgery is seeing the pounds drop off. While each pound lost is definitely cause to celebrate, steady weight loss also means you'll need to find new clothes that better fit your newly trim body. This is a good problem to have, but it can also become overwhelming if you're not fully prepared for how to handle it. Here are some tips...


Understanding Lap-Band Revision

Lap-band surgery is one of the more popular weight loss or bariatric surgeries. Though the great majority of patients adapt well to the surgery, one advantage of lap band surgery is that it is adjustable and able to be revised. Some patients do in fact opt to have it reversed for several reasons. What Lap-Band Surgery Entails During lap-band surgery, the doctor installs a silicone band around the top of the stomach....


5 Common Causes of Obesity

In basic terms, obesity occurs when more calories are taken in than what's burned. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines obesity as having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers it an epidemic. Affecting more than 90 million Americans, excess weight often seriously impacts quality of life. Common causes of obesity involve genetics and lifestyle choices. Genetics and Family...