Weight Loss Surgery


Are you a candidate for weight loss surgery? Learn more today.

There are four types of weight loss surgery that you and our doctors may consider if you have tried non-surgical methods of weight loss without any success. Our weight loss doctors work with each patient to formulate a customized procedure and treatment plan just for you.
Weight loss surgery is designed to:

  • Restrict the amount of food that you can eat
  • Decrease the amount of fat and calories that your intestines can absorb from the food
  • Restrict your caloric intake and your caloric absorption


There are four types of weight loss surgery that you and our doctors may consider if you have tried non-surgical methods of weight loss without any success. Weight loss surgery is designed to either restrict the amount of food that you can eat, decrease the amount of fat and calories that your intestines are able to absorb from the food or both restrict your caloric intake and your caloric absorption. Our weight loss doctors work with each patient in order to formulate a customized procedure and treatment plan just for you.

Most people lose weight for a period of 18 to 24 months following a weight loss procedure, although results do vary. In addition to losing the excess body weight, you may also find that other medical issues such as arthritis and snoring may have less severe symptoms or they may even go away after your weight loss surgery.

Finding Out If You Are a Candidate for Weight Loss Surgery

Our doctors want the best possible outcome for each patient, which is why the initial consultation process is so important. We meet with you and perform some assessments in order to determine if you will be a good candidate for a weight loss surgery. In order to have a weight loss procedure performed, you should be at least 18 years old and have a body mass index of 40 or higher. If your body mass index is 35 to 39 and you also have a medical complication such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obstructive sleep apnea, asthma or arthritis.

Types of Weight Loss Surgery

There are four primary types of weight loss surgery that our doctors offer. One is the gastric bypass, which is also referred to as the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This procedure involves dividing your stomach into a large pouch and a small pouch. The small pouch only holds a little food and is connected to the middle part of your lower intestine so that you absorb fewer calories and less fat.

Our doctors also offer the gastric band surgery. This involves placing an adjustable band around the upper part of your stomach in order to restrict your food intake. In a gastric sleeve surgery, most of your stomach is removed. What is left is reshaped into a long, thin tube that only holds a small amount of food.

The duodenal switch surgery involves both removing most of the stomach and using a gastric sleeve in order to bypass most of your small intestine. These procedures can be done with a laparoscopic technique or a traditional open surgery technique. Laparoscopic surgery involves making four to six small incisions that measure about one-inch long. With this technique, a small camera is attached to a thin, flexible tube so that our doctors can see your stomach and small intestine. With a laparoscopic surgery, your healing time is much faster and you will be able to resume your usual activities more quickly.


Tips on Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery

Our weight loss doctors will give you a set of guidelines to follow before your weight loss surgery. Following these guidelines may involve changing or stopping some medications, quitting smoking and avoiding the consumption of alcohol and caffeine. On the day of your surgery, you will need to have a friend or family member to stay with you. Your procedure may take one to two hours to perform, and you will stay in the surgical center for about two days after your surgery.Our doctors will also help you to mentally prepare for the weight loss surgery. Losing weight may change the way that you feel about yourself, allowing you to enjoy a greater self of self-esteem and self-confidence about the way that you look.

Advice on Having a Successful Weight Loss Surgery

To have a successful weight loss surgery, you should be prepared to follow the plan that our doctors create for you. This will include coming to follow-up visits to monitor your weight loss and to check on your general health. You should be willing to make dietary changes so that the foods you consume are high in nutrition. It will also be important for you to follow the recommendations for physical activity and exercise that our doctors give you. Regular exercise will help you to continue losing weight after surgery.

To learn more about what you could expect from a weight loss procedure, and to learn about all of the different options to explore, contact us today.