There are several options available to individuals who are interested in bariatric, or gastric, surgery.
While only a bariatric surgeon is qualified to determine the type of bariatric surgery that is right for you, it is helpful to educate yourself about the various options available prior to your appointment at the best weight loss clinic in Corona.
There are two main types of bariatric procedures. Restrictive procedures create a smaller stomach, called a gastric pouch, from a patient’s original stomach. This new, smaller stomach restricts the amount of food the patient can eat in a given sitting, limiting the total calories consumed in a day. This significant calorie deficit leads to rapid weight loss.
Malabsorptive procedures aid weight loss by reducing the surface area of small intestine that can absorb calories. This can be achieved by bypassing a portion of the small intestine, the organ responsible for absorbing calories and other nutrients in the body. This reduction in absorbed calories leads to a calorie deficit and rapid weight loss.
Gastric Band, or Lap Band
One type of restrictive procedure is the gastric band, or lap band, procedure. In the gastric band procedure, the surgeon creates a stomach pouch by separating a small portion of the stomach from the rest of the stomach with a band. The size of the pouch can be adjusted in stages to shrink the pouch over the course of weeks or months by injecting it with fluid. This requires follow up appointments with your bariatric surgeon until, and often after, desired results are achieved using the lap band.
The lap band is minimally invasive among bariatric procedures and requires a shorter healing time than other types gastric surgeries. Like all bariatric surgery, the lap band requires a complete lifestyle change to maintain results. If old habits are allowed to return, the new pouch can stretch and lose its restrictive capacity.

Gastric Sleeve
The gastric sleeve is another restrictive gastric surgery that can aid in weight loss. During the gastric sleeve procedure, the surgeon creates a new stomach using a cylindrical tool. The resulting, tube-like stomach cannot hold as much food as the old stomach.
Another benefit of the gastric sleeve procedure is that, since the majority of the stomach is removed from the body, there is a significant reduction in the production of the hormone ghrelin, a hormone that promotes appetite. This reduction in appetite can further aid patients on their weight loss journey.
Like the gastric band, the gastric sleeve is minimally invasive and requires a shorter recovery time than other bariatric surgeries. It is also incredibly effective. Patients can expect to lose an average of 60 percent of their excess body fat in the year following gastric sleeve procedure. With diet and lifestyle change, patients find the gastric sleeve procedure performed at the best weight loss clinic in Coronasimplifies the process of losing weight.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Considered by many to be the “gold standard” of bariatric surgeries, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure can lead to a 70 to 80 percent reduction in excess body fat on average. This procedure is so effective because it combines restriction of stomach size with the malabsorption of a bypass surgery.
During gastric bypass surgery, the surgeon creates a smaller pouch from the stomach, as in the restrictive procedures. Next, the middle portion of the small intestine, the jejunum, is brought up to the new stomach pouch, bypassing the first portion of the intestine. This reduces the surface area that is able to absorb calories in the body.
Gastric bypass surgery’s effectiveness is lauded in the medical community. Not only do patients who have undergone gastric bypass lose significant weight following the procedure. They also experience a reduction in the severity of chronic, obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, hypertension, joint pain and cardiovascular disease.
Duodenal Switch
The duodenal switch procedure is gaining in popularity due to the rapid weight loss individuals experience post-operation. Patients can expect to lose even more weight with the duodenal switch procedure than with gastric bypass, though it should be noted the rate of complications is also higher due to the extreme nature of the bypass procedure.
Duodenal switch can be thought of as a combination of gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. During a duodenal switch, a smaller stomach is created and connected to the duodenum, or first part of the intestine. Next, the duodenum is connected to a more distal part of the intestine, bypassing the central jejunum. This reduces the absorptive capacity of the small intestine and wastes calories. This malabsorption, combined with the restriction of the stomach’s size, leads to dramatic weight loss in patients who have undergone the duodenal switch procedure. As with the gastric bypass, patients who have received this procedure can expect dramatic weight loss and a reduction in the severity of obesity-related chronic diseases.
To find out more about what to expect from various gastric procedures, contact the best weight loss clinic in Corona to schedule a consultation today!